Make your English course fun!

Graded games, activities and worksheets to recycle the language and vocabulary taught through action songs

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Teach I Love Chistmas

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FunSongs on National Radio in Italy

Click here to hear the interview. Warning! It’s in Italian! On 26th October 2024, Charles Goodger was invited to the studios of Radio Italia to talk about his language-learning method based on action songs – FunSongs. Of interest to teachers and parents keen for their children to acquire a good grounding in the language.

Even in Iran and China!

Did you know that even in China and Iran young learners of English are singing and performing On Halloween? It is one of the most popular FunSongs action song packs at this time of the year. Click here to see Iranian children performing the song The On Halloween action pack comes with an e-book of 9 graded worksheets and games to recycle the words and themes of the song including […]

Search here for the key vocabulary you want to teach.

For Teachers

Combining melody and mime, rhythm and rhyme will help you make your English lessons fun and effective.

For Parents

FunSongs is a great way of introducing your children to the English language.

What Teachers and Parents say about Us

  • Normally, I don’t use songs much in the classroom, because I find that students tend to sing along without understanding what they are singing, so the activity doesn’t contribute much to their language learning. In these songs, the actions that go with the songs ensure that everything is meaningful, so it’s a learning, as well as fun, experience.
    Penny Ur
    ELT author and luminary famous throughout the world
  • Prof. Mario Rinvolucri
    In the action songs classroom the learner is aware of enjoying himself and having fun. At an unconscious level the language patterns and regularities are being efficiently absorbed by the learner's mind for later free use. FunSongs is whole body and whole brain learning in which the learner perceives him/herself as doing rather than being done to.
    Prof. Mario Rinvolucri
    EFL author, teacher trainer and founder of Pilgrims, UK
  • “There is no doubt in my mind that students will benefit from FunSongs. It’s a wonderful program.”
    Dr. Tziona Levi 
    Chief Inspector English Language Education Ministry of Education, Israel 
  • Prof. Dennis Newson
    Language learning often takes place most effectively when attention is directed away from the actual linguistic aim. Charles Goodger composes catchy, rhythmical tunes which children love to sing. But Charles is also an ELT specialist as well as a composer so as they sing the children are practising correct idiomatic English. Enthusiastically recommended.
    Prof. Dennis Newson
    Osnabrück University, Germany
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Toronto, Canada
    After I teach Charles' songs, I walk into the teachers' room singing.
    Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Toronto, Canada
  • Frank Leusing, father and IT expert
    "Every day Eliza inserts the FunSongs  CD into the computer and dances to the songs. I really must say, they have a very high quality level. Many of them could have been  Schlager-Hits in my childhood. Very impressive! We are all experiencing "ear-worm" syndrome!"
    Frank Leusing, father and IT expert
    Father of Eliza and CEO of Web Design Riga
  • Marica Triola
    My colleagues and I chose FunSongs to come to our school because of the excellent reports we'd heard. We weren't disappointed. Professional acting, singing and teaching, comedy, good action songs and the funny puppets Britty and Itty kept my classes fully involved and learning all the time.
    Marica Triola
    Carducci Primary School Bologna, Italy
  • Chiara De Pieri, Venice, Italy
    Yesterday FunSongs came to our school to perform the FunSongs Monster Show. It was great! We have lots of material to work on the songs in the show. Very useful.
    Chiara De Pieri, Venice, Italy
  • Elizabeth O’Connell
    I love this material! The songs are much better than the ones in our course book and the worksheets make it easy to integrate the words and language into my course. Permanent Memory Acquisition  is guaranteed!
    Elizabeth O’Connell
    English Teacher, Paris
  • Prof. Oksana Viaggi, Nicosia, Cyprus
    I would like to thank Charles Goodger for his action songs Workshop at the IATEFL YL conference in Cyprus. It was the last conference day and the last workshop I was happy to attend. It was the funniest, the most useful and the most enjoyable workshop I've ever participated in.
    Prof. Oksana Viaggi, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Prof. Ben Monk
    FunSongs action songs stand out for their beautiful melodies. The graded worksheets are excellent too. Highly recommended.
    Prof. Ben Monk
    International House, Riga
  • Prof. Mauro Verde
    This is one of the best ways of teaching young learners new vocabulary and language with the correct pronunciation. Children love to learn and perform these songs.
    Prof. Mauro Verde
    TESOL, Milan, Italy
  • Raffaela Frigoli, Bergamo, Italy.
    On Halloween is the best action song about Halloween ever written.  Halloween without it is unimaginable! My classes love performing and singing it.
    Raffaela Frigoli, Bergamo, Italy.
  • Rosanna Canova
    Today is World Water Day and my students celebrated it with some art activities and the song Water is Everything. It was fantastic!
    Rosanna Canova
    Spotorno Primary School Liguria, Italy
  • Maria Teresa Brintazzoli, Bologna, Italy
    These workshops at school are a valid opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time. They combine the traditions of puppetry and pantomime with Charles Goodger's catchy action songs. The follow-up material is excellent.
    Maria Teresa Brintazzoli, Bologna, Italy
  • Vita Caice
    I recently downloaded The Easter Spring song and my pupils  enjoy singing it. I always find these action songs very useful and full of ideas.
    Vita Caice
    Laimīte Bērnu Centrs, Riga, Latvia